ヒバリ 震災義援音楽配信プロジェクト
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Studio sulla notte n. 1ーfrom "Tre studi sulla notte"ー


Studio sulla notte n.1 is based on the chord which in the first study is broken up into two chords that punctuate the writing at irregular intervals of time, while in the second articulates it in a regular period. (from Tre studi sulla notte's program note)

大須賀かおり/Kaori Ohsuga (piano)


Federico Gardella
フェデリコ ガルデッラ


Born in Milan in 1979, Federico Gardella studied piano graduating at the Conservatory of Milan with Piero Rattalino and Riccardo Risaliti and at the Universität der Künste in Berlin with Klaus Hellwig. He studied composition at the Conservatory of Milan graduating with Sonia Bo. Afterwards he has improved with Azio Corghi at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome and at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena and with Alessandro Solbiati at the summer courses in Sermoneta and at the Conservatory of Milan, where he got his Composition Master's Degree "cum Laude". He has received various awards at national and international composition competitions, including the Tansman International Competition of Musical Personalities in Lodz. ...

For more detailed note/bio, please go to http://hibari-charity.tumblr.com


Arc Flicker
アーク フリッカー


... multi phonics are used for their wild and unruly nature. The performer should feel free to explore (and enjoy) the full range of (perhaps unexpected) sounds that may occur when such techniques are used fearlessly and with commitment to whatever results. The piece combines wild textural material with pure melody as it explores issues of distance, proximity and gesture.

間部令子/Reiko Manabe (flute)


Benjamin Sabey
ベンジャミン セイビー


In 2009 Benjamin Sabey received a PhD from the University of California, San Diego where he studied primarily with Roger Reynolds. Recent awards include a 2009 Barlow Endowment Commission and the Royaumont Prize of Domaine Forget. As a fellow of numerous conferences including Royaumont, Wellesley, Domaine Forget, June in Buffalo and Aspen, he has had lessons and master classes with a wide range of the world's leading composers such as Brian Ferneyhough, Helmut Lachenmann, Alvin Lucier and Christopher Rouse. Current projects include a commission from the Tokyo based ensemble Aura-J for soprano, hichiriki and percussion.

For more detailed note/bio, please go to http://hibari-charity.tumblr.com